Here at Kite, we only use certified organic cotton.
We believe it offers a host of benefits and, importantly, helps us in our mission to make better clothes.
Read on to discover why we think organic cotton is the best choice for the planet, the people who make it, and you too.
The problem with cotton
Conventional cotton farming uses chemical pesticides and fertilisers to grow plants bigger and faster, and to enable ‘monocropping’ where one crop type can be grown year after year without rotation.
This approach delivers higher yields at lower economic cost.
However, the chemicals pollute the environment and are harmful to animals and humans.
The organic approach
Organic cotton farming uses a series of environmentally friendly methods to promote soil health and control pests and weeds.
Unfortunately, this approach delivers lower yields than conventional production, and it costs more to farm this way.
But the big and very important benefit is that there is much less negative impact on the planet and its people.
Our choice
Choosing to use organic materials is not the easy path. It is harder to find suppliers who are willing and able to adhere to the strict rules and it costs more money.
We also understand the fashion industry that we are a part of is deeply flawed. By focussing on a sustainable approach, we are trying to do our bit to create clothes that are better for those who make them, and for those who buy them.
Simply put, we choose to put the planet before profit because we think it's the right thing to do.
Kite and GOTS
We are proud to be certified to the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), the gold standard for clothing.
Accreditation is hard to achieve as a stringent set of environmental and social requirements must be met.
Independent annual audits of every part of the supply chain ensure that from the field to your wardrobe, GOTS certified clothes are better for the environment and the people who make them.
Not only is the organic cotton we use top quality, we also only use GOTS approved dyes, so you can be sure your clothes are skin safe too.
Importantly, our certification means that every single worker in our supply chain is treated fairly. They are paid a fair wage, guaranteed clean and safe working conditions, able to work hours that are not excessive, free from discrimination, harassment and violence, and none of our factories use child or forced labour.
So if you're looking for organic clothing, it's about more than the word. Find the GOTS logo and be assured about what you're buying.
We hope that by sharing more about organic cotton and how it is produced, it helps you understand why we choose organic and why being certified to GOTS is so important to us.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at and we'll do our best to help.