The New Normal
Here at Kite we’ve spent the last week making (and re-making!) our plans as our lives are turned upside down by coronavirus. Many of us have little ones and we’ve been collectively scratching our heads as we face into weeks, or even months, without school and nursery. So to try and help we’re working hard to create fun things for us to learn from and enjoy.
Welcome to Kite's happy little home adventures
This is the first in a series of weekly blogs where we will share ideas, activities and resources for little adventures in and around your home, suitable for toddlers through to older children.
Our top tips to help you get ready for the new normal
Take a deep breath… (and have a cuppa!)
To get an idea of what to expect we've hunted out some great resources already available online.
We really like Twinkl which is a great website written by teachers for teachers. It has lots of free resources that can easily be used at home.
Packed with fantastic content for younger and older children alike, you can find so much on CBeebies, CBBC and BBC Bitesize.
There are also lots of great home learning blogs to check out. The Adventure Travel Family blog, run by a home-educating mum of three, has lots of top tips, advice and links to resources.
Get planning
Why not make a ‘new normal’ weekly schedule with your little one? If they already have a familiar schedule you could start with that and then plan the rest out together.
Joe Wicks, The Body Coach, is offering a daily 9am PE lesson and Audible Stories are offering free audiobooks for all ages while schools are shut. Both are great options to consider including in your plans.
Write a bucket list
Use this time to write a bucket list of all the things you never usually get the time to do together. Why not cut out each idea and put them in a real bucket, then take one out each time you want to do something new?
Get organised
Sort out the art cupboard, the toy cupboard, the pile of pens and pencils… Why not send us a before and after photo? You can also dig out old fabrics, ribbons and clothing ready for up-cycling. Salvage some recycling items and old magazines ready for make and do (we have some fun ideas and activities coming!).
Get connected
Set up some virtual play dates for your little one and their friends so they can stay in touch with each other. We recommend easy to use video apps like FaceTime, Skype, WhatsApp, Messenger Kids or Houseparty. Think about ways to make the play dates fun, for example you could bake the same recipe together and see if they come out the same!
Look out for more of Kite’s happy little home adventures coming your way.
Next week… discover rainbows in preparation for National Find a Rainbow Day (yes that's a real thing!).