Repair and wear

Research from First Mile found that nearly a third of people would be more likely to replace a damaged item of clothing rather than try to repair it.

A sustainable fashion future relies on us all making small conscious changes. The good news is that these are often good for your wallet as well as the planet.

Read on to find some fast fixes to help repair clothes for you and your little one, as well as discover fun ideas to revamp them in the process! We've also added handy links to YouTube tutorials to help get you started.

Button it

Youtube tutorials

Solve drawstring dilemmas

Youtube tutorials

Shorten those straps

Youtube tutorials

Patch that hole

Youtube tutorials

Fix fallen hems

Youtube tutorials

Jo's top tip

Our founder has a great solution for when shortening denim.

After you have shortened the hem, rub the edges with a pumice stone to give the new hem a soft and lived-in look. We love this simple and very effective idea.

We would love to see your fixes! Please share with us at or tag us on social media at @KiteClothing.